sábado, 27 de octubre de 2018


You have forbidden letters and flowers, now the thorns are growing in my heart and the ink is drowning my veins.

What will i do when i feel more alone than now? Who will i go to for a hug as warm as yours?

I just saw you with braids in your hair, so far from... So close to forgetting me. Was it as uncomfortable for you as it was for me? Did it hurt as much as it hurt me? Did come from your eyes a tear to hide?

I'll be here, for you and for me, for the three of us; for the expectant happiness and... All the time to come.


miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018


Te acostumbraste tanto al miedo que, cuando alguien diferente llegó a tu vida, lo rechazaste por haberte confrontado ante tu temor a la verdadera felicidad.

You got so used to feel fear that, when someone different came into your life, you rejected him for having confronted you with your fear of true happiness.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

El primer beso.

Siento como si todos los besos que di con amor se hubieran reducido a uno solo.

Hoy no es una noche fría, hoy besé por primera vez.
